It was – in a word – fabulous. Sometimes there is no better word to describe something. I left the house at 7:30am and did not return home until 12:30am the next morning (oh, the sacrifices I make in the name of democracy) and it was totally worth it. Mad props go out to Kyle, Joanna and Courtney on the Finance Team! You guys are awesome and did an amazing job pulling this all together.
The self-proclaimed “Mother-in-Chief” made her first campaign stop that morning reading to schoolchildren and then stopped at Old Dominion University to speak with military spouses. At the evening fundraiser, Michelle talked about what it was that made her first fall in love with Barack. She talked about how he took her to one of his community meetings in a neglected and run-down neighborhood in Chicago and how he spoke to the single moms, the retired women on fixed incomes, the unemployed men about the “world as it is” and the “world as it should be.” And although this was twenty years ago and she barely knew the man at the time, she saw a glimpse into his vision for America and his desire and commitment to turn the “world as it is” into the “world as it should be.”
It was powerful. The event was completely packed to the brim and everyone was standing up and clapping and Amen-ing like they were in church.
I was able to sneak in a few photos after taking shifts (wo)manning the check-in desk. See below!
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