NOT: Fleeing to Canada. Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick goes to the pokey for a day after a judge ruled he violated the terms of his bond in his perjury case by making a business trip to Canada and not informing the court. Absolutely brillant.
HOT: Timetables. Iraqi negotiators propose a timeline for U.S. combat troops to peace out by October 2010. Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr claims to dissolve his Mehdi Army militia if the United States started withdrawing troops according to a set timetable. Bush & co respond with, “Uh, how bout dem Red Skins?”
NOT: Clinton Bitterness. Lifetime’s Every Woman Counts program released a poll of women voters revealing that just one in five women said sexism sank HRC.
HOT: Clinton. She’s back and better than ever! Hillary Clinton is back in the campaign picture and will campaign for Obama in Nevada and Florida later this month.
NOT: Air Pollution. China has poured $20 billion into "greening" the city, but it appears to be a case of “too little, too late.” And yet, the show must go on.
HOT: Magazine Spreads. Michelle Obama appears on the covers of Ebony magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal and in the pages of Harper’s Bazaar, she’ll be played by supermodel Tyra Banks. The September issue of Vanity Fair calls Michelle Obama the "commander in sheath" on its "International Best-Dressed List." Eat your heart out, Cindy McCain! Forget about this presidential race business, the battle of the magazine spreads is where it’s at.
NOT: Obama Fatigue. 48% of Americans say they have been oversaturated with Obama media coverage. Barack and the fam take a much-deserved vacay to Hawaii with the onset of Olympicmania. America takes a vacay from Obama fatigue.
HOT: Anthrax Conspiracy Theories. Theories run amok about mad scientist Bruce Ivins’ alleged involvement in the anthrax terrorist attack.
And I leave you with Our Fabulous Video of the Week:
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