I added a few songs so check out the vids and download the tunes. It also makes for a great gift for your girlfriends.
10. Natasha Bedingfield, Unwritten: Great song for finding your inner-strength.
9. TLC, No Scrubs: An oldie but a goody. Perfect for cruisin with your gals.
8. Mary J. Blige, No More Drama: Letting go of the drama. Nuff' said.
7. Indie Arie, I’m Not Your Average Girl: Love thyself. Embrace the faults.
6. Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats: Oh yes. The vent song.
5. Beyonce Knowles, Single Ladies: Wohohoho...
4. Jill Scott, Golden: Puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step.
3. Alicia Keys, A Woman’s Worth: Classic. Used to play this one over n' over.
2. Chaka Kahn, I’m Every Woman: What's women empowerment without some Chaka Kahn.
1. Desiree, Ya Gotta Be Stronger: Keeps you goin as you conquer the world. Woot!
Cross-posted on http://www.toptentopten.com/
Hi Lindsay,
This is a really great top ten list. Scrubs reminds me of high school, even though it hated on men, I still thought it was one of the most catchy songs ever. You can post this to our site http://www.toptentopten.com/ and then link back to your site. We are looking for top ten lists and our users can track back to your site. The coolest feature is you can let other people vote on the rankings of your list. There are a lot of song lists on the site, but none like yours specifically about empowerment songs.
I like singing very much like Adele. the best. is a very sensitive girl. and in addition has only 22-23 years, which seems downright impressive
Getting to the point; users are not banned for no reason. There are the rare cases of the APR bugging up, but whenever that happens it tends to loop in a lot of users all at once by detecting a false positive. A single player being wrongfully banned by the APR is pretty much unheard of.
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If there were a reliable bug, I would imagine it would be painfully obvious since tons of people would immediately start abusing it as quickly as they could, which is what happens every time someone figures out a bug or exploit.
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The Nation Change Receipt is supposed to be trash-able, though for some reason it is not at the moment. This matter was already submitted to the developers and we're just waiting for them to fix it.
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We do sometimes run promotional events through e-mail campaigns directed towards users who have been with the game a certain amount of time or who have spent certain values of money every now and then. Similarly there are the KOForever story chapters which can really only be appreciated by the game's veterans who've been following the plot over its lifespan
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Actually, I do everything I can to make sure players don't know when I'm online. There's this whole thing about announcing my presence to every cheater on the server that makes them a lot harder to catch in the act and ban.
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Like pot-luck Bingo, and the person with the pot ran away at the end! Dang. Maybe the influx of money from the PVP Server event helped fund the new hardware and tool upgrades
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Phasing out secondary servers would be done for two purposes. The first is to increase player density on the main server. This sort of action would take place following the opening of a new server and the expected decline in population on other servers as a result. The second reason would be to reduce the sub-server's usefulness to those who would abuse it, such as botters and gold farmers. For instance, one tabled suggestion was reducing the available zones in the sub-servers so that players could only access Moradon, El Morad, and Karus mainlands.
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It shouldn't be a problem to note that GamersFirst, as a global company, generally pulls in short of four million dollars a quarter. With that in mind, I'm sure you can understand why I get annoyed with players who assume that KOL makes the same sort of revenue as WoW and that we're all driving Ferrari fueled by hundred-dollar bills. As far as game companies go and compared to other Free2Play groups, we're a rather humble bunch.
My acceptance of ticket numbers through Forum PMs was a means of damage control while official action was being planned. As such, official announcements (in this case, the procedure to apply for account restoration), takes priority.
Sure, mistakes can happen such as just clicking the wrong character in a large cluster, or a known cheater trying to do identity-theft of a legal player by having a very similar name, or a hacker compromising an account and doing illegal activities (like joy-riding in a stolen car).
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As I've mentioned before, we've been laying down the groundwork for the Sheriff System for the past few weeks now and have been getting it ready for its actual release, though it has not arrived yet. What you're seeing is the in-process part, though I'm not certain that the option lists are supposed to be visible to non-Sheriffs as of yet. But hey, the developers seem to love changing and breaking parts of each new patch completely at random with no warning, so why should this be any different?
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We offer a variety of different prizes and rewards for KC events. The current potion set is just what we're using for the time being and it will likely change again in the future.
Hi Athenrye;
where is Korlash?
Korlash last seen on 17th September 2011 - 10:13 AM,
Is Korlash on vocation or something happen?
Both. After each GM War event was completed, the GMs involved sent out an e-mail chain through to Production listing the cheaters they caught and banned during the event. Similarly, any users observed acting suspiciously but not immediately pegged as cheaters are to be investigated following the completion of the event.
No. If there were any sort of modifications to gameplay style, it would be integrated into the game client itself either as an item or as a service purchased via the PUS. There is not, nor will there ever be, any sort of outside software or third party application to go along with the game.
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